Combine images with text and a stand-out offer.
What is the promotional images section?
The Promotional images section can be used to highlight key products or promotions in a bold and eye catching way. The section works as a single block or as a pair of blocks displayed with a 50/50 vertical split. Choose complementary colors and imagery to grab the attention of your customers.
How to set up the promotional images section
- Open the Theme Editor and add the Promotional images section.
- Select one of the existing blocks and add an Image and an optional Image link.
- Choose from three Layout options:
Image above - The image will be displayed above the text.
Image below - The image will be displayed below the text.
Overlay - On desktop, the image will expand to cover the entirety of the block and the text will show over the centre of the image. On mobile devices, the overlay will appear under the image with a slight overlap. - In the Text area settings, choose background and text colors.
- Click Save.
If an Overlay is chosen in the Layout settings, use the Overlay opacity slider to adjust the Background color. Selecting 0% will render the background of the text area transparent, whereas 100% will show the full Text area Background color.
How can I change the button colors and animation?
The button is set to animate on hover by default. If you want to turn this off, go to Theme settings > Animations > Animate buttons on hover and adjust the toggle. To adjust the button color, go to Theme Settings > Colors > Buttons and select colors for the Primary button background and Primary button text settings.
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